Loading models into your library
To turn the pile of files on disk into a beautiful gallery of models, we scan your disk and based on your descriptions of it's contents, build the models library.
Adding new sources
A "scanned source" is a folder on a local or networked hard drive. You may have more than one source, local or otherwise. An "imported source" is a way to create models from files in different locations allocated in a way of your choosing.
Scanned Source
Extra options for a given folder
- will refresh the tree listing such that the source matches what is currently on disk. Run this if you make any changes to the contents of your files and folders while orynt3d is open.
- Open the location in your system's file manager: Explore, Finder, etc.
- Open the explore tab and search for models with this source.
The scanner takes about 1s per 1000 files on a standard SSD. It will take a little longer over a network!
Configuring the Scanner
The scanner searches through your folders, one at a time, from the given source directory and performs the following actions:
- Model creation: check if this folder should be a model, and decide which files to add to it.
- System tag creation: configure any system tags, based on inheritance
- System attribute creation: configure any system attributes, based on inheritance
A. Model creation
When processing a folder, there are three stages. The first two stages are used to decide if it should be turned into a model, and the third determines what to do with the files in that folder.
- Configuration handling
- Model creation rules
- File handling
1. Configuration handling
This determines if a folder has the possibility of being a model.
- Inherit: use the parent settings to process this folder
- Disabled: don't make this folder a model
- Enabled: make this folder a model if criteria are met
2. Model creation rules
If the configuration is set to (enabled), then this folder could become a model, based on the following configured criteria. If the configuration is set to (inherit), the model creation rules are disabled for this folder, and they will use the parent's configuration.
- Always: create a model no matter what
- Leaf: the folder must not have other folders in it.
- Has image: the folder must contain an image: PNG, JP(E)G, GIF, etc
- Has 3D file: the folder must contain a 3D file: STL, 3MF, OBJ, etc
- Has support config: the folder must contain a support configuration file: LYS, LYT, CHITU, etc
3. File handling
For every file found, you may configure how the files are handled. This can be set to one of two choices:
- Here: only collect files found in the procesed folder.
- Below: collect files found in the procesed folder, as well as files found in descendent folders that are not already part of another model.
Note: model creation rules only operate on files directly within that folder. This means setting (collect below) will not recheck your model creation rules.
4. Propagate Criteria
After a folder gets scanned, and assessed for model eligibility, you can choose to have the criteria passed down to the next folder or not.
- Propagate criteria to children. If the child mode is something other than inherit, this has no effect. If the child is set to Inherit, the child will use this config to test if it is a model.
- do not propagate config to children. If the child mode is something other than inherit, this has no effect. If the child mode is inherit, a "Not a model" model will be passed down.
B. System taxonomy creation
Tags and Attributes can be added to a model during the import process, and are inheritable. The three options available under the (taxonomy) menu are:
- Don't inherit any parent tags/attributes - any currently inherited tags/attributes will be removed from this model (and thus not be inherited by models below, either).
- Exclude the following system tags/attributes - remove these tags or attributes from models created from this point.
- Include new system tags/attributes - add these tags or attributes to models that are created from this point.
The taxonomy inheritance process runs regardless of if a given folder is determined to be a model. You can set a folder to (disabled) but configure tags to include or exclude from this point forward.
User Tags and Attributes can be manually added to individual models after importing in the Explore view. These are "user" items, and aren't part of the system tag creation.
Folder functions
- Save configuration
- Revert changes
- Run the importer based on the configured settings
Imported Source
An imported source lets you assign arbitrary files in different locations to one or more models, manually.
Add your files to the Sources list in the left-hand pane, create a model in the right-hand pane, and drag files from the list on the left to the model on the right to allocate the file to a given model
Managing your sources
Extra source management functions may be accessed behind
- Backup folder config files - collect config files in your local source and create a zip file.
- Clear these models - remove any models in your library created by the importer from this source.
- Remove local source - remove this source from your library (also removes models created by this source)